Going through a bunch of pictures and posting stuff to my flickr set, and found a couple pics I deemed "blogworthy" but haven't posted until now.
Going through a bunch of pictures and posting stuff to my flickr set, and found a couple pics I deemed "blogworthy" but haven't posted until now.
Yo yo yo, its the urban 'mater!Found this guy growing out of a crack in the loading dock of an almost abandoned building down by the train station. There's even a few little tomatos trying to ripen.
I've been kinda busy with the job hunt over the past few weeks, the blog sort of fell by the wayside, and even now that I'm no longer on the searh, I just haven't got back into it. The job hunt was successful by the way, my last day at the Oil Shack is the 1st of September, then I have a nice 3-day weekend in Seattle, puppy-sitting for some friends, (the closest thing we're getting to a vacation this year,) then Tuesday is my first day at the new job.
I've been out enjoying the waning days of summer here and there but I'm just not summer people. Its so hot and sunny for two whole months here and I hate it! Luckily, the whole ordeal is almost over for this season and we can get back to green grass, moss on the trees, and the sound of Tri-Met splashing up the street every 15 minutes.
We did manage to make it out to Kelly Point the other day. That's the park at the confluence of the mighty Willamette and the mightier Columbia. Not exactly a popular swimming beach, but every dog and even a few of us humans were out in it. It was a hot day, and the Willamette was nice to stand waist deep in.
Some really huge boats were floating by pretty close to the beach, reminding us that we were right between Terminal 5 and Terminal 6. That boat in the front is a pretty big craft, but the big'un is just crazy huge!
"Wow, that guy sure has a lot of mattresses. I wonder what that's all about?"
(Scroll down for the shocking truth)
Sorry, but I just had to share this pic that G took a couple days ago. Ick! It kinda makes me wretch a little. Beware the craigslist mattress...
Oregarus reminded me of a few things today, one of which is the fact that I haven't posted anything new here in like 2 weeks or some shit.
The other is this clip (yeah, I know, "YouTube Dumpster" and such...)
I hadn't seen this in at least 15 years, but now it seems brilliant, at least in a Hoosier context. Every IU basketball game started out this way. I still can't figure out who that lady is. What is her name, what's her story?
Also, notice the Hook's Drugs ad. Sweet! I totally forgot about Hook's Drugs. (The only better pharmacy name also resides in Indiana--Corydon's Butt Drugs.) My folks still have one of the tiny Hook's carts in their garage. How tiny is it? Tiny enough that it was stolen in the back of a Ford Festiva. Last time I was home, Mom was using it for laundry.
These were the only words out of my mouth as I was flipping through channels the other night. Any of ya'll who grew up in the south (or in the doormat of the south) will have fond or not so fond memories of the Hee Haw. On the Terre Haute station, I remember Solid Gold coming on right after Hee Haw. Maybe that's just my wierd little kid memories, but what a culturefuck.
Anyway, Hee Haw is on CMT now, just last weekend there was a Hee Haw marathon, and this week there seems to be an hour or two on every night.
On a side note, I once touched Roy Clark's hair plugs.
Long story short, I did audio and light tech work for a show starring Roy Clark, Frank Sinatra Jr, (he was a dick) and Tommy Smothers (who was also kind of a dick, but in a different way.)
After the show, I'm loading equipment into Roy Clark's tour bus, trying to clear all the shit out of the venue, and I turn around to Roy himself, hoisting a crate into the bus, bumping his head into my arm. A true brush with fame. Roy is an awesome guy to work with.
A refreshing night, but pretty lazy as well. We planned on at least going to the 5th Q for $2 pint night. They have the Proletariat Red as the seasonal from May Day for all us worker bees, go easy on 'em and they're awesome!
So hard to pass up ridiculously cheap beer in my nieghborhood, but after yoga and making some dinner and watching some TV, all ambition was lost. Even the will to walk a few blocks for tasty beer is gone. This is on a mailbox on an alarmingly quiet corner deep in a part of NW Industrial where I hadn't ventured until yesterday. Somewhere around 17th & Upshur.
Really makes me wish there was some sort of pedestrian crossing at the Fremont Bridge. I'd climb whatever crazy ass staircase it takes. By car, this neighborhod is three minutes away in good traffic, but as a walker person you have to walk down to the Broadway, and then back up the other side of the river for 25 blocks or so. What about a water taxi? Where's my flying car?!?