11 September 2007

Restore America - a whole new level of assholery

I'm never one to wax political. I'm almost never prone to self-righteous indignation, I just don't have it in me. I usually cower away from disagreement and try to socialize with folks who I know share at least a few beliefs with me. This is my first even half-way political post on Sellwood Street.

A little background for those two of ya'll who aren't Oregonians or just haven't followed the news lately. Various hater groups masquerading as Christians are circulating petitions around the state to try to overturn the domestic partnership or "Oregon Family Fairness Act" (which is a half-assed comprise in the first place.) Equal rights organizations are filing complaints against the bigots because many of them aren't following the proper legal channels, or are just telling bare-faced lies to get people to unwittingly sign their petitions...

This email hit inboxes across Oregon today, from the self proclaimed "christian" organization Restore America...

"Oregon faces a less obvious September Day of Infamy, an attack from within our borders by those who seek to change Oregonians view of marriage and morality, no matter what we say or how we VOTE, and whether we like it or not."

I feel dirty linking to their site...
How have I spent these last few years not realizing that my relationship with the guy I love is exactly like the killing of 3000+ [mostly] innocent folks in a a fiery unprecedented terrorist attack?
I don't even know what to say. I've written more about this already that I thought I had in me. Here's what some other folks around town are blogging...
Amy, at Blogtown, PDX
B!X, at Furious Nads
Divebarwife at Portland Metbogs

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